Berlin Bike Tour

Berlin Trip Overview

There’s no better way to see the sights and learn the history of Berlin than by joining a bike tour! You get to have fun and socialize, have some exercise and be entertained by your knowledgeable guide. It will be the best day you’ll spend in Berlin!

Our 6-hour, deep dive into Berlin history will take you to the major sites and give you a glimpse into modern Germany. Our guides are locals who are passionate about their city and want you to enjoy it as much as they do. Plus, we’ll stop at a Beer Garden for lunch (cost not included). This is the best way to see all of Berlin in a day and gain valuable insight to the monuments that make this city unique.

Additional Info

Duration: 6 hours 30 minutes
Starts: Berlin, Germany
Trip Category: Walking & Biking Tours >> Bike & Mountain Bike Tours

Explore Berlin Promoted Experiences

What to Expect When Visiting Berlin, Berlin, Germany

There’s no better way to see the sights and learn the history of Berlin than by joining a bike tour! You get to have fun and socialize, have some exercise and be entertained by your knowledgeable guide. It will be the best day you’ll spend in Berlin!

Our 6-hour, deep dive into Berlin history will take you to the major sites and give you a glimpse into modern Germany. Our guides are locals who are passionate about their city and want you to enjoy it as much as they do. Plus, we’ll stop at a Beer Garden for lunch (cost not included). This is the best way to see all of Berlin in a day and gain valuable insight to the monuments that make this city unique.

This is a typical itinerary for this product

Stop At: Fat Tire Tours Berlin, Panoramastr. 1a, 10178 Berlin Germany

Begin your tour at Fat Tire Tours – Berlin

Duration: 10 minutes

Pass By: Potsdamer Platz Tiegarten, 10785 Berlin Germany

Ride by Potsdamer Platz

Stop At: Brandenburg Gate, Pariser Platz, 10117 Berlin Germany

Stop for pictures and explanation at Brandeburg Gate

Duration: 5 minutes

Pass By: Tiergarten, Strasse des 17. Juni 100, 10557 Berlin Germany

Ride through Berlin´s green lung

Stop At: Memorial of the Berlin Wall, Bernauer Strasse 111, 13355 Berlin Germany

See where the Berlin Wall once ran

Duration: 5 minutes

Stop At: Museum Island, Breite Street, 13089 Berlin Germany

See the Museum Island from outside

Duration: 5 minutes

Stop At: Bebelplatz 1, 10117 Berlin Germany

Stop at Bebelplatz, site of Nazi infamous book´s stake, explanation

Duration: 10 minutes

Stop At: Victory Column (Siegessaule), Grosser Stern 1, 10557 Berlin Germany

See the Victory Column

Duration: 4 minutes

Stop At: Gendarmenmarkt, 10117 Berlin Germany

Stop at Gendarmenmarkt, pictures and explanation

Duration: 8 minutes

Stop At: Checkpoint Charlie, Friedrichstr. 43-45, 10969 Berlin Germany

See the famous crossing point between East and West. Stop for pictures and explanation

Duration: 15 minutes

Stop At: Hitler’s Bunker, Gertrud-Kolmar-Str. 14, 10117 Berlin Germany

See the site that is asssumed to have been Hitler´s hidden bunker

Duration: 10 minutes

Stop At: Alexanderplatz, 10178 Berlin Germany

See the TV tower, pictures and explanation

Duration: 7 minutes

Stop At: Topography of Terror, Niederkirchnerstrasse 8, 10963 Berlin Germany

Today, the site has been turned into a museum documenting the chronology of Nazi terror. Originally, the Prince Albrecht Hotel was on this location, which was taken over by the Gestapo (starting 1933) and SS (starting in 1939) and used as their headquarters.

Duration: 8 minutes

Stop At: Reichstag Building, Platz der Republik 1, 10557 Berlin Germany

See the Reichstag from the ouside, explanation and possibility to take pics

Duration: 15 minutes

Pass By: Memorial to the Sinti and Roma Victims of National Socialism, Simsonweg/Scheidemannstrasse Between Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag Building, 10117 Berlin Germany

See the Memorial to Sinti and Roma Victims of National Socialism

Stop At: Soviet Memorial Tiergarten, Strasse des 17. Juni, 10623 Berlin Germany

See the Soviet War Memorial in Tiergarten Park

Duration: 5 minutes

Stop At: Berliner Dom, Am Lustgarten, 10178 Berlin Germany

See the Berlin Cathedral from the outside, quick stop for pictures

Duration: 5 minutes

Stop At: The Holocaust Memorial – Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Cora-Berliner-Strasse 1, 10117 Berlin Germany

See the Jewish Memorial, stop for explanation and pictures, possible to walk inside

Duration: 10 minutes

Pass By: Kreuzberg, Berlin Germany

Neighborhood ride through trendy Kreuzberg

Stop At: Oberbaum Bridge, Am Oberbaum 1, 10243 Berlin Germany

See iconic Oberbaum Bridge, opportunity for photographs

Duration: 5 minutes

Stop At: Schleusenkrug, Müller-Breslau-Straße 14b, 10623 Berlin, Germany

Stop for lunch at traditional German Beer Garden (cost of food/drink not included)

Duration: 1 hour

Pass By: Zoo Berlin, Hardenbergplatz 8, 10787 Berlin Germany

Ride by Berlin’s Zoo

Stop At: Am Lustgarten 1 Museum Island, 10178 Berlin Germany

Enjoy this great, open, green space as a photo spot to view the buildings of Museum Island.

Duration: 10 minutes

Stop At: Weltzeituhr, Alexanderplatz 1, 10178 Berlin Germany

Completed in 1969 as a part of the redevelopment of Alexanderplatz during the DDR reign, it was constructed to show the current time in 148 major cities from around the world, including all 24 time zones.

Duration: 5 minutes

Stop At: Brunnen der Volkerfreundschaft, Am Alexanderplatz, 10178 Berlin Germany

See the iconic Cold War era fountain

Duration: 5 minutes

Pass By: Bethlehemkirchplatz, 10117 Berlin, Germany

See Memorial to Bethlehem Church

Pass By: House Ball, Krausenstrasse, 10115 Berlin Germany

See the Houseball, an art installation/scultpture at the Bethlehem Church square

Stop At: Memorial of the Berlin Wall, Bernauer Strasse 111, 13355 Berlin Germany

See one of the remaining stretches of the Berlin Wall with Explanation

Duration: 8 minutes

Stop At: Bundeskanzleramt der Bundesregierung, Willy-Brandt-Str. 1, 10557 Berlin Germany

German Chancellery. See Angela Merkel’s Office possibility to take pictures

Duration: 15 minutes

Stop At: Paul-Lobe-Haus, Platz der Republik 1, 10557 Berlin Germany

See where German parliamentarians work

Duration: 5 minutes

Pass By: Carillon, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10 Corner Grosse Querallee, 10557 Berlin Germany

See Bell Tower and possibly hear the free weekly concert

Pass By: Schweizer Botschaft in Berlin, Otto-von-Bismarck-Allee 4A, 10557 Berlin Germany

See the Swiss Embassy

Pass By: Spreebogenpark, Ludwig-Erhard-Ufer, Berlin Germany

See Spree Bogen Park, the site of the Soviet’s final push to the Reichstag Building

Pass By: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10 Tiergarten, 10557 Berlin Germany

See the House of World Cultures

Pass By: Gropius Bau, Niederkirchnerstr. 7, 10963 Berlin Germany

See the Martin Gropius Building

Stop At: Bellevue Palace, Spreeweg 1, 10557 Berlin Germany

See this former Prussian hunting palace, now the residence of the current president of Germany (Frank-Walter Steinmeier)

Duration: 2 minutes

Stop At: Neptunbrunnen, Rathausstrasse 1, 10178 Berlin Germany

See the Neptune Fountain, take pictures

Duration: 7 minutes

Stop At: Rotes Rathaus, Rathausstr. 15 Judenstr. 1, 10178 Berlin Germany

See the Red Townhall. Take Pictures

Duration: 7 minutes

Stop At: St. Mary’s Church, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 8, 10178 Berlin Germany

See the oldest functioning church in Berlin

Duration: 7 minutes

Pass By: Museum St. Nicholas Church, Nikolaikirchplatz, 10178 Berlin Germany

See the site of Berlin’s first church

Pass By: Nicholas Quarter, Rathausstrasse 21, 10178 Berlin Germany

Nikolaiviertel, Look towards Berlin’s oldest residential quarter

Stop At: Humboldt University (Humboldt Universitat), Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin Germany

See the faculty of Law

Duration: 10 minutes

Stop At: Humboldt University (Humboldt Universitat), Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin Germany

See Humboldt University

Duration: 10 minutes

Stop At: Cathedral of St. Hedwig – Domgemeinde St. Hedwig, Hinter der Katholischen Kirche 3, 10117 Berlin Germany

See the church of St. Hedwig and its Imperial architecture from outside

Duration: 10 minutes

Stop At: German State Opera (Deutsche Staatsoper), Unter den Linden 7, 10117 Berlin Germany

See the State Opera House, take pictures

Duration: 10 minutes

Stop At: Book Burning Memorial at Bebelplatz, Bebelplatz 1, 10117 Berlin Germany

See the Memorial to Nazi Book Burnings, take pictures, explanation

Duration: 10 minutes

Stop At: Altes Museum, Am Lustgarten, 10178 Berlin Germany

See the Old Museum from the outside

Duration: 5 minutes

Stop At: City Palace (Berlin Stadtschloss), Schlossplatz 5, 10178 Berlin Germany

See the reconstructed royal and imperial palace, which served mostly as the main residence of the Electors of Brandenburg, the Kings of Prussia and the German Emperors

Duration: 5 minutes

Pass By: Deutsches Historisches Museum, Unter den Linden 2, 10117 Berlin Germany

See the German Historical Museum

Pass By: Bode Museum, Am Kupfergraben Entrance over the Monbijou bridge, 10117 Berlin Germany

See the incredible architecture of the Bode Museum

Pass By: Neues Museum, Bodestrasse 1-3, 10178 Berlin Germany

See the New Museum

Stop At: Franzoesischer Dom, Gendarmenmarkt 5, 10117 Berlin Germany

See the French Cathedral, pictures and explanation

Duration: 8 minutes

Stop At: Berliner Dom, Am Lustgarten, 10178 Berlin Germany

See the Berlin Cathedral – originally built as court church of royals in the late 1800s in Italian Renaissance style

Duration: 5 minutes

Stop At: Konzerthaus, Gendarmenmarkt, 10117 Berlin Germany

See Berlin Concert House where symphony Orchestra plays

Duration: 8 minutes

Stop At: Schiller Monument, Gendarmenmarkt Vor dem Schauspielhaus, 10117 Berlin Germany

See monument to the German Shakespeare, Frederich Schiller

Duration: 8 minutes

Stop At: Ritterstraße, Berlin, Germany

Ritterstrasse graffiti: Obama Merkel Putin. Stop and see Berlin’s iconic street art, take photos and hear explanation

Duration: 5 minutes

Stop At: Engelbecken, Engeldamm, Berlin Germany

See the Angel Basin and the remnants of St. Michael’s church, time for pictures plus explanation

Duration: 4 minutes

Stop At: Das Baumhaus, Gerichtstr. 23, 13347 Berlin Germany

See Berlin’s Tree House

Duration: 2 minutes

Pass By: YAAM, An der Schillingbruecke 3, 10243 Berlin Germany

See the Young African Art Market and Beach along the River Spree

Stop At: Karl-Marx-Allee, 10178 Berlin Germany

A great place to end the tour with a light discussion of modern day Berlin, built in and around many East German architectural sites.

Duration: 5 minutes

Stop At: Victory Column (Siegessaule), Grosser Stern 1, 10557 Berlin Germany

See the Victory Column

Duration: 4 minutes

Pass By: Embassy of Spain, Berlin, Lichtensteinallee 1, 10787 Berlin, Germany

Ride by Spanish Embassy, and perhaps see invasive crayfish spieces

Stop At: Am Lustgarten 1 Museum Island, 10178 Berlin Germany

Enjoy this great, open, green space as a photo spot to view the buildings of Museum Island.

Duration: 10 minutes

Stop At: Weltzeituhr, Alexanderplatz 1, 10178 Berlin Germany

See the World Clock. Completed in 1969 as a part of the redevelopment of Alexanderplatz during the DDR reign, it was constructed to show the current time in 148 major cities from around the world, including all 24 time zones.

Duration: 5 minutes

Stop At: Brunnen der Volkerfreundschaft, Am Alexanderplatz, 10178 Berlin Germany

Fountain of Friendship Among Peoples. See the iconic Cold War era fountain

Duration: 5 minutes

Stop At: Bundesministerium der Finanzen, Wilhelmstrasse 97 Detlev-Rohwedder-Haus, 10117 Berlin Germany

Former Luftwaffe Headquarters/ Nazi Architecture (also the German Finance Ministry) See the buildings built during Nazi dictatorship

Duration: 8 minutes

Stop At: Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin, Unter den Linden 77, 10117 Berlin, Germany

See the hotel balcony where Michael Jackson dangled his baby

Duration: 5 minutes

Stop At: Embassy of France, Pariser Platz 5, 10117 Berlin, Germany

See the French Embassy

Duration: 5 minutes

Stop At: 10117 Berlin, Germany

See the American Embassy

Duration: 5 minutes

Stop At: Cobblestones, Erholungsweg 70a, 13509 Berlin, Germany

See where the Berlin Wall once ran

Duration: 2 minutes

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